Social Networking in India is a happening thing. The best part of it is, one can abuse and assault other(s) on a Social Media like anything. Personal attacks or derogatory comments on anyone, anything are one of the keys to success of Social Networking.
In this context, I tried to do an experiment.
First: I created a snap equating a Monkey with Kalki – the known Bollywood Star – which was nothing but a sheer insult on someone’s look. I shared the snap in a forum on Facebook called ROFLIndia.
And, as expected, the snap’s been Liked by people, precisely the Youth; since, my cheap intention came across as Humour to them!
Then: I just turned the Map of India upside down and posted in the same forum, and the same set of people who had earlier Liked my personal abuse on Kalki found me ‘asshole’, ‘idiot’ and ‘son of a beach’.
Thank god, not of a ‘bitch’ at least! ;)
Because to the Youth of India, fiddling with the Map or Flag of India is an Insult to the mother nation but fingering into someone or something for nothing is not; it’s rather an entertainment and FREE FUN!
And the funniest part is, if one says something abusive to malign anyone (but to no avail though) others jump into the bandwagon to harass the target / victim just like the jackals that bark in unison. Without even realizing why they are making noise!
Not surprising, India predicts and drools over GDP Growth today, while the nation’s 42% children still suffer from malnutrition and Anna Hazare calls himself the second Mahatma Gandhi to lead the Youth to a corruption free country tomorrow.
Cheers! :D
In this context, I tried to do an experiment.
First: I created a snap equating a Monkey with Kalki – the known Bollywood Star – which was nothing but a sheer insult on someone’s look. I shared the snap in a forum on Facebook called ROFLIndia.
And, as expected, the snap’s been Liked by people, precisely the Youth; since, my cheap intention came across as Humour to them!
Then: I just turned the Map of India upside down and posted in the same forum, and the same set of people who had earlier Liked my personal abuse on Kalki found me ‘asshole’, ‘idiot’ and ‘son of a beach’.
Thank god, not of a ‘bitch’ at least! ;)
Because to the Youth of India, fiddling with the Map or Flag of India is an Insult to the mother nation but fingering into someone or something for nothing is not; it’s rather an entertainment and FREE FUN!
And the funniest part is, if one says something abusive to malign anyone (but to no avail though) others jump into the bandwagon to harass the target / victim just like the jackals that bark in unison. Without even realizing why they are making noise!
Not surprising, India predicts and drools over GDP Growth today, while the nation’s 42% children still suffer from malnutrition and Anna Hazare calls himself the second Mahatma Gandhi to lead the Youth to a corruption free country tomorrow.
Cheers! :D