Follow Your Heart. Lead Your Mind. You'll find a window everywhere.

Friday, May 31, 2013

There's nothing called Talent. It's all about Thinking through Training.

A while ago, I came back from a meeting that I had with a few senior level executives at a renowned private bank. The meeting went off well, however, it kind of appalled me, as despite knowing it for a fact where lies in their problem - which even they themselves were admitting - the bank's guys were (and still are) not eager to escalate the issue to the highest authority or management.

Instead, they are pretty comfortable in playing within their cut out roles of Manager or Assistant Manager and fulfill their stipulated Q-on-Q targets.

What a joke!

One hand, a Brand talks about Equity, Values, Quality, etc. and on the other hand, its people are just reluctant to get their nose off the balance sheet.

In fact, I shared the following simple riddle (which I already had with you guys on Facebook) with them just to get an idea about their level of commonsense -

2 = 5

3 = 10

4 = 17

5 = ?

and I couldn't believe none of them was able to give me the right answer which is so easy and very much present and visible in the question itself.

All jumped into the calculation, following a process or two, as their minds are preset to do that only, and eventually produced nothing, even after struggling for 10 -15 minutes.

The problem is, almost everyone thinks 'a problem is a problem' which needs a solution, whereas the reality is, 'a problem is not just a problem but also the hidden source of solution(s)'.

So before thinking of an apt solution, ideally, it's much needed to identify the roots of a problem. (With a few exceptions of course. For example, if your house is on fire, you are expected to call up the fire-fighter first i.e. to seek solution immediately than discovering the cause of that fire i.e. reaching the crux).

Nevertheless, once the fire is extinguished, the need of the hour got to be to look into and understand what was behind that fire and what might be in future.

In short: "It's NOT so important to think how to train your mind but it's very, very essential to realise that you got to train your mind on how to think and why so."

If that realisation occurs to you then rest of the things could be a cakewalk. And for that, you can contact us at QESEQ International for Quality Enhancement Solutions with Evolutionary Quotient that promise: talent nourished, growth delivered.

In case you are wondering how come thinking is talent, please note, unless you think, you can't act and unless you act, you can't nourish and flourish your talent. And hidden talent doesn't work.

Bottom-line, thinking = talent. Hence, Train your thoughts and actions... to nourish and flourish your talent... to grow yourself and help others do the same for an overall growth.

Made sense? What say? You can comment right here or shoot your mail at:

Monday, May 20, 2013

Is your Business Card business ready? Check it out.

What is a business card?

A card that carries your name and the relevant contact details like phone number(s), email id(s), address, URL, etc. on it. 

Well, is it? 

If your answer is "YES", the fact is your answer is not in sync with the business reality

For a simple reason, as, then you certainly have no idea about what a business card does actually mean.    

A business card is...

a) Not just your name and surname 

b) Not just phone number(s) 

c) Not just email id(s)

d) Not just website URL 

e) Not just Facebook fan page link 

f) Not just Twitter link 

g) Not just YouTube link 

h) Not just Blog link 

i) Not just Company's logo 

j) Not just Company's name

k) Not just Company's address 

Instead, it is your business in short that gets introduced to a prospective client or customer who generally has NO INTEREST in your business because he is at the receiving end of your marketing communications. 

Just the reason, a business card should rather be taken seriously and got to be treated as a lethal weapon for direct marketing. 

Besides all expected and unexpected content, it needs to provide a recipient of the same with a holistic view of your business in light of promise(s), deliverable(s) and result(s) even at the outset. 

Because, given today's business speed and cluttered marketing space filled with me-toos, if you think someone has the time and interest to know about your business in detail all the time then you sure is hoping for a miracle and the basis of that is astrology or a parrot prediction. 

But, the fact is, your business should be communicated completely with your business card either for a target's acceptance or for his rejection, eliminating every possibility of being on hold on some false hopes. 

It is quite unlikely, in fact almost impossible, nowadays to expect someone will remember your business (or you) by your business card. On the contrary, your business might achieve a recall, if your business card could be used as a ready reckoner of your promise(s), deliverable(s) and result(s).    

How to make a workable business card?

An immediate answer to this question is, "Make it creative with an interesting or memorable design." 

Not a bad idea, if you have enough money to invest, thinking people have no other jobs but appreciating your business card and preserve it in their lockers. Even if they do so, it might not help you or your business, since, lockers are often a forgotten place when someone searches for anything in a hurry. And it's a natural tendency to look for a business card while there is some fire but water or foam.

So, what to do? 

Stick to simplicity and explain things as lucidly as possible, ideally in words only

See the following business card layout of QESEQ International to get a fair idea:

On the front side of the card, the mandatory information is given along with the pay-off upfront but the company name and its address. However, the logo is used in such a way, so one automatically rotates the card clockwise to understand it better and then flips the card to look at the backside of it in order to know the name of the company and its address. 

A split second involvement with the provided communication is produced, thereby. 

Then on the backside, the entire business philosophy, its offerings and the result which could be expected are duly explained, openly and clearly, highlighting the company's name and its address for one's easy and instant comprehension. 

As a result, a proper and prompt introduction to the business in the offing is made minus any such ambiguity or gimmick, or without loads of .ppt slide as well. 

Which ensures a productive interaction from the word go or no interaction at all to help both the parties save on valuable time. 


A business card has to work for your business either to open up new opportunities straightway or to not begin any futile exercise just for an introduction and that's it.